Monday, March 31, 2014

March 31 - HIMYM 09.23, 09.24 Last Forever parts 1 and 2

Please note, I do not plan on going over the previous episodes that I have missed. After watching these two episodes, I don't think I can rewatch any of it without feeling sad. Maybe after I process it.

09.23 Last Forever part 1

Part 1

September 2005
The gang is meeting Robin. Lily tells the boys if any of them wants to hook up with her, they have to marry her

Marshall: The son of a bitch did it.

Ted talks about his moving to Chicago the next day. "Onwards and upwards." As he looks around the room, he sees The Mother up on stage playing her bass and stops talking.

I can't do it...I don't want to watch this. I had to pause on her face and cry. Okay..letting myself watching now. TEARS ALREADY TWO MINUTES IN!!!

Barney says hi to her "hey bass player!"
Tells her that he went out and got the girl "check it"
Barney wants to "have you met Ted" with the bass player
But Ted says he has to leave now.

Ted: Robin, it's been a major pleasure
Both: Major pleasure
*they hug*
Lily can't do it, Ted hugs Marshall
E.T. good bye with Lily. No hug
He hugs Barney
Ted: We licked the Liberty Bell
Barney: We did?

Ted gives Barney a high five so good it will be enough for the rest of their lives. A high-infinity
They go to opposite sides and high five. (Both hurt their hands "worth it")

Ted at train station. Old lady asks him if the lady with the bass guitar is pretty. She then tells him to go back and meet her. And then tells Ted what if the universe sends a sign. Then she asks one last question "this girl with the bass guitar, is that her?"
Ted: Just be cool lady, daaamnnn

24 hours later
Marshall and Lily walk into the bar to see Ted there. They expected him to be gone
He tells them he's not moving to Chicago because he met a girl
Lily: Who is this girl?
Ted: The bass player from the wedding band
Ohhhh ahhhhh
He call and asks her for a date and walks off while still on the phone with her.
Marshall is complaining to Lily about how Ted always finds a girl and moves too fast.
Lily has this knowing look on her face the entire time. (Pause and cry some more)
Marshall: He's fallen in love too many times now
Lily: Not like this, this is different

Present time
Ted: If I ever get married, I'm keeping it simple

Barney: A hot air balloon?
Ted: Yeah I'm getting married in a 17th century castle in France

The Mother walks in to tell Ted that they can't get married in September because "when I do get married, I kinda want to fit in my dress"
He hugs her
Robin: What's going on?
Barney: She's getting a boob job

May 2016
Lily and Marshall are visiting with Barney and Robin. Baby Penny in the nursery.
Marshall: Can't believe you let Ted hang his jousting lance from the Renaissance faire on their bedroom wall
The mother: Yeah, that's Ted's
Ted *smiles*

They ask about Robin and Barney's trip to Argentina
Barney talks about his blog as his "business"
(This might be the part where they got "that drunk")
Robin asks if he wants an exit, right now at the 3 year mark
Barney: Before I answer that question, can we get really drunk and have sex?

They got divorced.

Barney noticed that Lily is about to have baby #3
Lily: Promise me that no matter what, we'll always be there for the big moments

October 2016
Marshall and Lily are living in the apartment. They talk about how Marvin and Daisy are sharing a room and when the third one is born, they can put the crib in the shower.
Marshall: How do we say good bye to something..memories
Marshall: We have to move!

Halloween and Farewell Apartment party on the roof
Marshall is Captain Ahab
Lily is White Whale
Barney is some rock star
Ted is Hanging Chad
The Mother is some old lady wearing an Al Gore sweater

Robin wants to leave because "the gang" is a couple about to have their 3rd baby, her ex husband hitting on younger women, and the guy she should have ended up with married to a beautiful woman who is the mother of his children.

09.24 Last Forever Part 2


Lily, Barney, and Ted are at the bar waiting for Marshall to show up. Barney is spazzing.
Barney: The earliest I'll let anyone go home is 2am
Lily: 10pm
Ted: 9:45
Barney: 3am

Marshall tells them he's in line to be a judge again.
Ted: 1:45am
Barney doesn't want him to go. He doesn't think he'll ever meet someone and be like "you're the love of my life, everything I have is yours"

Ted and Mother with Marshall and Lily at robot fight
Marshall asks if they'll ever get married
Mother: Someone got "judgey"

Ted: This one wants to be in a French castle
Mother: This one will take a White Castle. But he insists on a "wow factor"
Ted: You're all the "wow factor" I need. *kiss*

Barney comes in. He tried a "perfect month" and made a new playbook
Barney: That last girl, number 31.
Mother: Oh that's a pretty name, is it French?
Barney: She's pregnant
Barney: My life is over
Mother: So where are you guys registered?


Ted takes Penny to see GNB building
Robin shows up

He tells Lily and Marshall: And that was it
They're mad and compare it to a Sasquatch sighting
It's the birth of her ex husband's love child

It's a girl. "This is Ellie"
Barney falls in love with her. "You are the love of my life. Everything I have and everything I am is yours. Forever"

Ted walks into his living room and reproposes to the Mother.
Ted: Will you
Mother: Yes
Ted: Will you
Mother: Yes
Ted: W-
Mother: Yes
Ted: Will you marry me on Thursday? I called your office and you have nothing going on. Will you marry me on Thursday??
Mother: Yes. Aww same ring

Lily: I can't believe it, it's Ted Mosby's wedding day!
Ted: Yes! After 7 years and 2 kids. Guys am I rushing into this?

Barney tells two young ladies to go home and put on decent clothes and call their parents.
Lily: Now I've seen everything
Marshall: Not everything
*Robin walks in*
Lily cried
Barney: Daddy's Home
Marshall. Judge Fudge? Running for state supreme court. You'll be calling me Fudge Supreme
Ted: you rsvp-ed no.
Robin: I did, but someone pretty persuasive talked me into it
Mother walks in.
She wants to get a picture of the gang all together.

Ted tells his kids that if he hadn't gone down that "long and difficult road" to get where he is now, he wouldn't be the same person. That the moment he met ther mom, he knew he was going to love her as much as he can for as long as he can.
<Montage of their life together>
That he carried the lesson (of loving her) all through their lives together. Even when she got sick. "What could be called the worst of times."

(Thanking God, the universe, and anyone and anything else out there) "When I saw that beautiful girl on that train platform and that I had the guts to stand up and walk over to her and tap her on the shoulder and open my mouth."
Ted: Excuse me, hi I'm
Mother: The best man
Ted: You're Cindy's ex roommates
Mother: You're the professor. I took one of your classes. Econ 305

He tells her that she stole his yellow umbrella b/c he left it in Cindy's room. She says she bought it. He says his initials "TM, Ted Mosby."
Mother: Look again Ted Mosby, those are my initials. TM, Tracy McConnell

She tells him she went a dance club on St Patricks day. And left it. And never thought she'd see it again.

They talk in the rain under the umbrella

(Get ready, this is the beginning of the end)

Flashforward to old Ted sitting in front of his children. "And that kids, is how I met your mother."
Penny: That's it
Ted: That's it
Penny: No, that is not the reason you made us listen to this.
Ted: Oh really? Then what is it?
Penny: Let's look at the facts again. You made us sit down and listen to this story about how you met mom. Yet mom is hardly in the story. No, this is a story about how you're totally in love with Aunt Robin. And you're thinking about asking her out and you want to know if we're okay with it.
Ted: I can't believe this. I kep this story short and to the point and you guys completely missed it. The point of the story is that-
Penny: Is that you totally totally totally have the hots for Aunt Robin
Ted: No I don't
Penny: Yes you do
Ted: You're Grounded
Luke: Wow you're really into Aunt Robin
Ted: You're grounded too. Okay. Suppose I were interested in Aunt Robin in that way. It's not like I'd do anything about it. I got you guys to worry about.
Penny: Dad, we love Aunt Robin
Luke: Whenever she comes over for dinner, you guys are so obvoius
Penny: Come on dad, mom has been going for six years now. It's time.
Ted: What?  ijust call her up on the phone and ask her out on a date?
Kids: YES
Ted: And that's womething you guys want?
Kids: YES
He hangs up, says "four"

We see Robin at her apartment, she has four dogs. The door rings and she goes to the window to see hwo is outside.
Ted is standing there with the blue french horn


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